Wanted: Desperation


1 a : having lost hope, a desperate spirit crying for relief : giving no ground for hope the outlook was desperate
2 a : moved by despair victims made desperate by abuse b : involving or employing extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or frustration made a desperate leap for the rope3 : suffering extreme need or anxiety desperate for money4 : involving extreme danger or possible disaster a desperate situation
5 : of extreme intensity

This is Webster's definition of the word. Still, I find myself asking...what does it mean to be desperate?

Yesterday morning during worship my congregation sang Breathe. If you've never heard it before, it's on Vineyard's Hungry CD. I think Kathryn Scott is the vocalist. Anyway, the song is hauntingly beautiful, and whenever we sing it I just get lost in the Presence of God.

Yesterday was different.

I found myself wondering if I am truly desperate for God. There is an old joke that says christians don't tell lies they sing them. I'm inclined to believe that.

I love God, truly I do, but am I desperate for Him? Would I go to any lengths to please Him? Would I, like the woman with the issue of blood, be willing to get down on my knees and crawl through the crowd just to touch the hem of His garment? Would I be able to throw all of my dignity out the window and scream out His name at the top of my lungs like blind Bartimaeus to get His attention? Would I be willing to endure insults like the Syrophoenician woman? Would I be willing to push past every hypocritical, religious, member of the church just to kneel at his feet and anoint them with my tears? Would you?

I don't want to be a nut or a fruit loop. I don't think that's the kind of devotion that God is looking for. But to be so in love with Him that I can't get enough of Him...that would be great.

God, make me desperate for You.


Anonymous said…
Just stopping by to say hi- found your site randomly through CWO :) Very good post, it really makes me think! God Bless!
Theresa said…
Wow, I've been thinking the same exact thing! That's how the Holy Spirit works sometimes. Thanks for sharing that.
C. H. Green said…
Wonderful post. Actually I do know what it's like to be literally desperate for Him-- and His intervention. It's so great to know He's always by our side.
Jana said…
Beautiful post! Found you on Blogging Chicks.
no_average_girl said…
hey girl...I'm here via the blogging chicks! :-)

I love your post and have often wondered the same thing. How are you desperate, in love with God without being seeing as a religious nut wacko?

I used to do Sign Language at a church I attened, and Breathe was one of the songs we did pretty regularly. I seem to be able to express myself through Signing, and it was one of my favorites! It's so simple, yet powerful!

Thanks for sharing this with us! It blessed me!
truevyne said…
I have a picture over my computer, and I am sure God whispered the original painting in someone's ear just for me. It's a woman thrown from what I think may have been a ship wreck and she's clinging to a stone cross among wild wind and waves. It's me. I'm desperate for Jesus. Everyday, because I'm nothing on my own.
kpjara said…
Wonderful Post! Found you randomly through CWO. This made me wonder....am I desperate for God, truly, authentically desperate...
Bttrfly1976 said…
I really enjoyed your post Shayne. I totally get the "Christians don't tell lies, they sing them" thought. I often times at church would catch myself singing only to stop and think WHAT??? you don't live that, so I just listen now. I really like your desperate for God questioning. Can you imagine for a moment how very different our world would be if all Christians were truly desperate for Him. If we could look past ourselves, our circumstances, our friends and family, and only see our need for Him and live in the middle of that hunger. My opinion is that our world would be a vastly different place.

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