Insignificant?!? I Think Not!

Ladies and Germs! Please direct your attention to the sidebar and note that I have now been officially labelled an "Insignificant Microbe" by that wonderfully wacky technobear at TTLB. Nevermind that I have no clue what I'm doing, and wouldn't know a ping from a link. Technobear has got me under control! (His name is really NZ Bear, but I think Technobear has a nice ring to it don't you?)

Do not underestimate the power of a microbe! Without us, that juicy cheeseburger you're lusting over for dinner would remain stuck in your esophagus....never able to reach it's intended destination. Without us, dead people would never shrivel up and become fertilizer for daisies!!!! Microbes are important!!!! Microbes RULE!!!!

***NOTE: The blogger formerly known as "Shayne" has taken a short leave of her senses due to mega-amounts of stress caused by a breakdown of her central heating and air unit. As soon as the temperature inside her house lowers to livable conditions she will return. We hope. We apologize to her readers (all 3 of them) for having to be subjected to a not very funny post about nothing. That is all.***


Bttrfly1976 said…
It made me laugh, so it had to be funny. I'm glad to be one of the three!!
Shayne said…
Stephanie I'm glad you're one of my 3 too. Perhaps I should re-word that...I'm glad you're one of my 3 ALSO. That's better.
Anonymous said…
I think the emphasis is on "insignificant".

Give it a few weeks... there are more humbling descriptions to come.

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