Uh, If You Don't Believe in Female Preachers...Look Away
Well hi there. It's been a while. I could go into this long drawn out story about where I've been and what I've been doing, but I think I'll leave that for some other time. Suffice it to say, I stopped blogging because I didn't think I had anything to talk about that was worth anything. That's about to change. I had forgotten the reason I started this blog. It wasn't supposed to be about me, it was supposed to be about Jesus Christ and my day to day efforts to walk where He walked and do what He did. But I got caught up in trying to be "relevant" and "witty." Which brings me to the point of today's post. Today I was reading a bio about someone who works for a major Christian song writing machine/company. In the bio, the person is saying that their vision is to see the church embrace culture and become a leader in creating. To be honest, at first I was like, "Yeah, cool." But the phrase, "embrace culture"...