5 Weird Things About Me

I'm a horrible blogger. I have probably already lost my adorable rodent status on TTLB, but I can't bear to look at my sidebar to see. I am so ashamed. Especially after all those nice things that Keri said about me. *sigh*

I'm so bad that I hadn't noticed until today that I had been tagged for a meme. Last month.

Shalee from Shalee's Diner tagged me and is asking me to list 5 weird things about myself or my pet. Since I don't have a pet, I guess it has to be about me. If I haven't already lost all 3 of my readers, this ought to do the trick.

1. I hate long fingernails. Not on other people, just me. I am constantly trimming my fingernails. I suppose it has to do with the fact I type a lot. Yeah, that sounds good...I'll blame it on my job.

2. I love peanut butter and cheese. Together. Talk about heart attack city baby. I don't eat them often, but sometimes a craving for a peanut butter and cheese sandwich just overtakes me. I have to make them when my husband isn't around because it grosses him out.

3. In keeping with a fine southern tradition (and because I love food) I eat ketchup on just about everything. Except cereal. I draw the line there. You gotta have standards, know what I mean???

4. I have two names. At work, people call me by my first name. Family, friends, and church family call me by my middle name. Sometimes it's a struggle to remember who I am.

5. When I was a teenager I was convinced that Boy George was straight. I'm not quite sure if that can be chalked up to weirdness or just total stupidity mixed with a heavy dose of denial. I'll tumble 4 ya, I'll tumble 4 ya, I'll tumble 4 yoooouuuuu...c'mon, you know you wanna sing along.

Well, that's my top 5. At least, of the ones I'm willing to admit to. Now I have to tag 5 people. Do I know 5 other bloggers??? Let's see, I tag Stephanie at Into The Depths, Paulette, Literature Lover, YewNork Babe, and Truevyne. That is, if they are still checking in with me.


Bttrfly1976 said…
lol, I was beginning to wonder about you! Those are weird, I admit. Except for the fingernail thing, I am completely with you. I wear sculptured nails and the techs always laugh at me because I want them SO short. :) And for real, peanut butter and cheese, GROSS!! I will have to try to think up some weird stuff before I can answer your meme. I will be thinking....thinking....thinking...is that weird??
Shalee said…
Okay, I had been worried too because I signed you up with bloglines soon after I discovered you and then POOF! You were gone. I thought for sure I really messed up somewhere, so I kept checking to make sure I put in the right link.

Now at least comment at my place once in a while (if you choose to read any of my meanderings that is) so that I won't wonder about you so much.

Cheese and PB... don't know about that one. And I am a Southerner and I don't eat ketchup (NOT catsup!) on everything. How did I miss that trait?

So what is your other name? Not Sybil, I hope...

Thanks for playing because it's just fun to learn really weird things about others. That way I don't feel so odd out in the world. Strength in numbers, Shayne. That's what I'm going with here.
Shayne said…
Steph, Shalee, I'm so sorry.

I work in a university and fall is so busy for me. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head for some new posts, so keep a look out.
Theresa said…
LOL, I'm all over that tag! Thanks. I hate long toenails and cut mine constantly. I can't even be around peanut butter. I have to think about this one.
Robin said…
Here from the Blogging Chicks; visiting others on the blogroll to get ideas for my soon-to-be-redesigned blog :).

LOVE your blog name! It's so positive. Not much time for reading now (I'm on a mission), but I'll be back.
Robin said…
Ooooo, and I just realized you're in TN...I'm in the Chatty area, but since we're "new" to the state, I don't know where Seymore is....
truevyne said…
Hey, thanks for the tag. I did my five weirds December 29, 2005.
Yours cracked me up.

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